As the kids grow bigger, they begin to imitate the adults more. Mandy, of course, has started 'lecturing' everybody around her for quite some time. She also says things like "See mama! I can colour so well, next time I teach you ok?" She teach me? *rolls eyes*
Now, even Barry says things like that. Once, he said he will teach Mandy how to draw. It made her quite mad. Haha.
The other day, when hubby refused to let them watch a Youtube video on the computer, Mandy said "Only one what papa! C'mon!!". C'mon little girl, do we really talk like that? Yet another time, she exclaimed "Wow! That's cool man!" when she saw something that I've made. Haha.
Recently, she's been preaching about minimising wastage. It started one day when she saw me washing dishes.
Mandy: Mama, what are you doing?
Me: Washing dishes.
Mandy: Why must you use so much water?
Me: Er. Because there's soap. I have to use more water to wash the soap away.
Mandy: But still cannot use so much water you know? Like that is wasting. Next time, we don't have enough water to drink, to bathe, to wash hands... HOW?
Since then, she's been preaching to me and Barry almost everyday. Even Barry is telling me not to waste water. "Don't turn on so big mama! Cannot! Cannot waste water!" he insisted. Then, it'll take forever for him to rinse off the soap on his hands.
But actually, I'm thankful for their reminders. I do use too much water sometimes. Guilty. Hehe.
Yesterday, the girl lashed out at the boy when he took an extra piece of tissue for his perspiration. "BARRY! Cannot take so many tissue! DON'T. WASTE. TISSUE!"
She continued with her tirade and said "You waste then we must cut down so many trees you know? Cut and cut. Next time, the squirrels... and the... birds... cannot go and make their homes on the trees already. HOW?"
Wow, not bad little girl. You can link loss of natural habitats to human wastage. Ha.
So take it from a 4 year old everyone. Thou shalt not waste!
Very good habit, Mandy! Keep it up! :)