Monday, January 3, 2011

This new year

I had a great start to this year. It started with a short jog. It didn't matter that I only managed less than 3km (what with the grogginess and empty stomach and hubby's nagging to not overtire my body), what mattered was I managed to climb out of bed to do it! I'm hoping I'll keep up with it and stick to my resolution to exercise more this year!

Barry started his playgroup today and he did very well. Although, my presence and the teachers' choice of toys for the day (huge set of food toys!) helped a lot! Hehe. When it was time to keep toys, most of the children froze, but Barry, being well 'trained' at home to keep his own toys, set to work immediately. He knew exactly what to do. He even helped stack the baskets and placed the whole stack back into the shelf. He also listened to the teachers quietly, did what he was told, and generally not create any nuisance.

After class, he was a different boy from the weepy "I don't wanna go school!" one. He said he wanted to go to that school again. Of course little boy, you'll be going there for a long.. long... time. Hiak hiak.

Another resolution of mine is to eat, feed and cook more wisely. It's actually an ongoing task. As a person, and especially as a parent, it is in my opinion, of utmost importance that we provide good nutrition to ourselves and our family. I read in a book which said that as the kids grow up, there'll be less and less things that parents have control over, so we should really take note of what they eat, as much as we can. They do still spend a considerable amount of time having meals/snacks with us.

Their tummies are smaller, so whatever small amount of toxic, chemicals or substance harmful to our bodies will create a considerable bigger harm to theirs! Plus, because their tummies are so small, they get full easily. Adults can, say, eat half a packet of chips and still consume one bowl of rice and with vegetables, meat etc for dinner an hour later. Kids might not be able to do so.

Anyway, hubby and I had a wake up call about food after reading this book. Go read it. It should jolt you up and make you rethink what you eat. I'm sure you'll never see food the same way after you read the book.

I'm also reading a whole food encyclopedia. It's really fascinating! For example, do you know that brocolli contains twice the Vit. C than an orange and almost as much calcium as whole milk? Its calcium is also better absorbed than that of the milk. Wait, do not rush out to buy broccoli! Because if you read The Good Body Guide, you will also know that if the broccoli is not organic, it probably is grown on soil leeched of nutrients, sprayed with pesticides and therefore, the vegetable might not even give us much nutrients at all!

It's like you know fish is great but you pan/deep fry it and unknowingly destroyed what's so great about the fish in the first place.  Frankly, as I read more about food, I feel a bit cheated. Like tuna. It's a good brain food but did you know eating canned tuna doesn't give those purported benefits? You will have to eat it fresh. So, if you don't have these kind of knowledge, you end up wasting a lot of money, thinking you're filling yours and your family's tummies with good stuff.

Oh, since I'm on that. These are the fruits that have the highest level of pesticides residues: strawberry, apple, pear, raspberry, cherry, nectarine, peach. The vegetables that have the highest level of pesticides residues: sweet pepper, spinach, potato. celery.

Nonorganice fruits and vegetables that are essentially free of pesticides are: avocado, banana, onion, brocolli, blueberry and cabbage.

I've tried cooking some organic vegetables and I got to tell you I'm totally sold! Their flavour is far superior than the commercial ones. Try the,m! Cook lightly though, so you can taste the subtle flavours. They're much crunchier too!

Recently, the NTUC near my place is selling organic apples at $4+ for a big bag. What a steal. I bought a bag. The kids tried the apple first. After the first bite, they were oohing and aahing about how delicious the apple was! They are already fruit lovers so the apple must be great! We couldn't resist and had a taste too. You know what? Hubby quickly bought another bag the next day. Now, all the kids want to eat after their meals, is apples, apples, apples. :p

Oh, commercial apples are all artificially waxed. You know that. But do you know the wax contains crushed insects? Urgh.

Really. Go read The Good Body Guide. Please.

OMG. I can really go on and on about food. So back to this year. I've been on a row, cooking. Almost daily. They all tasted and looked good. *ahem* And I am happy in the knowledge that so far, my family HAS been filling their tummies with good stuff.

This is what I cooked for them a few days back:

Stir fried asparagus with abalone mushroom (I've since learnt that blanching asparagus is preferred)
Stir fried nai bai with carrots
Baked teriyaki chicken with ginger and abalone mushroom
Sweet and sour prawn
Actually I'm guilty. I love stir fries but they're not the healthiest. I haven't perfected the steam fry method. I'm always too lazy to reach for the wok cover. Hehe. And I should really steam and bake more lah.

We're looking to order organic vegetables online. Will let you all know how it goes. Very excited.

In short, people, eat well. The consequences of not doing so are far reaching. It can affect you 10 years later, it can affect you subtly without you knowing.I can go on about how some food choices have had unbelievable effects on us but you really don't want me to go on. Haha.

I am no health freak and I don't cringe when my kids eat a bit of junk now and then (I do too!). But toxic, that should be frowned upon. Toxic, my friend. So choose wisely.

Oh, I recommend this website: There's an article on DHA and ARA found in milk formula. And others on hexane, eggs etc. Very informative.

Read. Eat. Exercise. Rest. And enjoy life!


  1. Hey Kei, we've started having organic fruits n veggies some minus ago !after we watch a series on CNA about how farmers grows their crips, can't bear TP feed Rar with non-organcs after that!

  2. Yeah. You are in the know. Congrats my friend. But sigh... our wallets.... I've just purchased oragnic produce online. Where do you normally get yours?

  3. What an interesting post, Kei! We buy organic apples at home too, and Annette eats a lot of broccoli, but after reading your information about non-organic broccoli, I am wondering if there are cheaper organic broccoli on sale, for the organic broccoli found in Cold Storage are very ex!! But thanks for this wonderfully educational post :) Happy New Year!

  4. Sorry so many typos! I get mine from NTUC Finest. Limited selection though. Had wanted to order online too but quantity is way too muc for my small family. Found out it's super cheap at Giant and wider selection, apparently theirs from Malayia. Quite good but I don't have a Giant near me. Share your experience with the online yeah?
