Monday, December 20, 2010

Happy winter solstice festival!

I hope I got that right.

It's 冬至 tomorrow (according to my mum)! I did a search on the net and found out it's called winter solstice festival in english. Hmmm. Isn't there a nicer name?

She came up with the idea of letting the kids have a go at making riceballs (汤圆). She brought the stuff to my place today and we introduced this fun activity to the 2 little ones.

It was not easy at first when the dough (which was prepared the night before. Mum said this step is essential!) was still quite moist. Barry couldn't roll them into balls, he made little snakes instead. Mandy got the hang of it after a while and was making perfectly round riceballs. She was so pleased.
The more colourful plate had balls made by my mum and Mandy. Mandy really was pretty good, you can see. You also can see Barry's little pink snakes, more like worms, on the other plate.
The adults indulged in some store bought riceballs with fillings too. Oh, the dual coloured riceballs were made by the very boliao me. Haha.

Hubby said the texture of the homemade ones was PERFECT! I absolutely agree. Better than the ones from the stalls. Soft but springy. SLURPS!

Mandy loved the making, Barry loved the tasting. Looks like this is going to be a family tradition. *grin*


  1. How do you make them green and blue? I made the pink and white ones with my mum :p

  2. Use food colorings lor! How did you make yours pink?

  3. also food colouring lor :p

    now very hard to comment lei..
